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Pende Tribe Mask

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995 M
5.00 LBS
$8.50 (Fixed shipping cost)

Product Description

The Pende people can trace their ancestry back to northern Angola in the Kwango region and had close ties with the Lunda. They were forced north to their current position in Zaire by a Lunda expansion of territory. At this time they were divided into two distinct groups: the western Pende and the Pende of the east. Although divided into geographically different locations they still considered themselves one people. In 1885 both Pende groups were invaded by the Chokwe and suffered great loss. Belgium colonialism put an end to the Chokwe invasion and the Pende were able to regain their independence. The Pende have a matrilineal society but the sculptors' profession is passed from father to son. The Pende create ritual and practical objects such as chairs, stools, masks, drums, weapons, ivory pendants and divination instruments to name a few. The mask on display brown, black and green is used in a celebratory manner and hung in a household.

 A small authentic Africa décor accent!

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Dimensions: 9 1/2 inches long x 5 1/2 inches wide.


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*Free or Fixed shipping for domestic orders only*


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